Wisching You The Best
New York Series 1

I spent a weekend in New York City between the northern and southern East Coast NSA Showcase weeks in 2003. These images are from that trip.

( These images are extensively altered in Photoshop, using some modification filters from Kodak Digital, notably, Digital SHO and Digital GEM, as well as Test Strip from Vivid Details. The original image is washed using these filters and becomes almost impressionist in nature. Remember that the image you are viewing is a low rez JPG. If you want a copy of the hi rez TIF, email me and I'll send it to you.)

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(as usual, click on the little picture to see the big picture)

Wdelanceyst2.jpg (19169 bytes)
Delancey Street on a Sunday morning. The neighborhood has changed since I lived in NYC in 1984.
Wferrydeck.jpg (30301 bytes)
The back deck of the Long Island Ferry.
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The gate guarding the Long Island Ferry entry dock in Connecticut.
WSubway.jpg (30709 bytes)
Rebecca Maxwell sweatin' with the oldies in the New York Subway on the "A" line.
W42st2.jpg (39299 bytes)
42nd Street at Sardi's.
W42ndSt2.jpg (30265 bytes)
42nd Street from Sardi's door.

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Once again, you have blanket permission to steal whatever you want.
Once again, send me a check with a lot of zeros before the decimal point.
Once again, well, never mind...